Next Generation Living Labs: Comprehensive Report


This report aims to expand on existing logic and knowledge of Living Labs and take into consideration the innovation ecosystems surrounding Living Labs.  Through literature review and the lessons learned from the initiation and implementation of two Living Lab infrastructures in the Building Technology Accelerator Flagship Program (BTA), perspectives are offered focusing on Open Innovation ecosystems, Open Innovation organizational elements, co-creation and data system tools.  The breakdown of the methods as well as the results derived have been synthesized and compiled in this report. Key lessons learned were summarized and categorized using the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) harmonization Cube. This was done to provide a more comprehensive set of suggestions for organizations connected to Living Labs transitioning towards Open Innovation and developing Next Generation Living Labs. We hope This report is a start towards the development of a comprehensive methodology for Living Lab infrastructures within the BTA network and points to important elements for this development.